Craigslist has removed its erotic services ads for Canada. This happened around 9pm Eastern standard time on Friday, Dec 17th, 2010. No mainstream media company is running the story.
Craigslist had stood its ground with the Canadian authorities for most of the week so the timing is surprising. Had they pulled the plug on Tuesday or Wednesday, they could have put out a press release and garnered some positive media exposure.
This change will have a dramatic effect on the adult industry. Independent escorts will be hit the hardest since they have lost their primary advertising channel without notice. Small Asian incalls will also be affected since many of them relied heavily on Craigslist and hired full-time posters.
The biggest benefactors of this change will be the other online adult advertising sites. BackPage, Cityvibe, Eros, Now Magazine, Eye Magazine, the Toronto Star and the Toronto Sun should all see an increase in advertising revenue.
Another victory for Stephen Harper and the Conservatives. Another loss for our Freedom of Speech.